Friday, January 7, 2011

Gila talak ke huh ?

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .
thats all i can say bout 2dayy . mcm biase je . ae nehh lpak2 ngn mcya n mmbe2 ak yg len kt cafe .
then masokk blikk balik tgok cterr korea ngn mcya n mai . haha . were the big fans of korean movies .
spe lg yg ad cter2 korean please inform me !!!
td ak ase sengal gile2 . bengang kowtt ngn ex ak . dk kacaww ak . then he keep saying.......
" soe ea sb sy jd peganggu idopp awk "
huh ! da tauu xpe . tp ak mlas na lyan mne . ak just ckap blk yg ak xske die ckap g2 . but act mmg ak suke tp saje jerhh na amekk aty die . bkn ap . ak nehhh jenis yg baekkk n nk jage aty org .layan jelaa pa yg die na ckap even menyakitkann aty ak .hahaha. poyo derrr !
oke stop it . siyesss . ak bengang ngn die . dulu beriya2 mnx break ngn ak then now terrrhegeh2 kt ak balikk. xmalo0o0 ke . da ludah then jilat balik . ufhhh ! thats how mens thinking .
n the worst part is........tauuu die ckap ap???
" puki luuu....butoh "
vavi x ????? vavi an . sial gile jantan keparatt tuhh . kauuu laa puki sial !!!!
nenek kauuu puki . makkk bpakkk kauu mmg sial dpat ank mcm kauuu . ufhhh ! mlampauu gile kowttt .
kuang aja gile ngn ak . die ckap " soe,,gurauu jerhh "
gurauuu wakkk luuu !!! pegi mamposss laa . ad ak kesaaaa . da la xmalo0o0 mnx cple balikkk ngn ak
agaknye sb malo0o0 ak xterima die then na cover malo0o tuhhh by sumpah seranah ak balik .
go to the hell laa ! talk to my hand oke !
ouhhh . lupe.....btw,ak tekad na lupekan guy yg ak mnat tuhh . hmmm . seeing like im the one who like him that damn much . but then if die mnx na cple,,ak oke jerhh . still on . hehehe

p/s : h8 u like the son of a bitch .

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