Saturday, January 29, 2011

Enuf is enuf oke !!!

OMG !!!
ak ase na nanges sgt2 . hukhukhuk . tatau nk buat ap lg . oh God ! byk nyeee pr0b ak skunk nehh .
npe laa ase cm shiall jerhh kebelakangan nehh . sejakk ak blekk umh nehh mcm2 jd .
xtahannnnn . if i could make an option,i might cho0se not to face all this kinda shittt . its hurting me . hurting my heart as well . im just dunno whom should i blame this all for . is it myself????
i cant make any decisi0n rite now . im just blurrrrrrrr . feel ' like' im just taking a drug . hell yeahhh !
im lost . i dont wanna hurt anyone .  ak nk akhirkan bnd nehh ngn cara baekk . xma0 mna2 pihak terluka . bia ak je yg terluka . ak xkesaa . asalkan org sekeliling ak epyy . tuhh p0nn da ckup utk ak .
im now in the middle . tlg laa Ya Allah bg ak ptnjukMu . tnjukkan ak jlan yg bt0l .
pd ssiapa yg bniat na men2 kan ak tuhhh . stop it . enuf is enuf . im nop interested in ur game . just play all by urself . fakk it off . if kehadiran kauu dlm id0pp ak hny nk men2 kan ak . i tink ure the l0serr ! if ko xsiyess,,im much much more than u are . u want me to follow ur steps?? ** soe tp ak follow blog org jerh.hehe** kauu na tnjuk belang ea . nk tnjukk kuasa veto ke ap??bole blahh bhaiii . 

p/s : ak lagiii sggup id0pp sens0wm . much much better .
n one more thing is my f0n ilangggg . arghhh . siallll gile . fakk it off .
manyak gile maaa pic dlm tuhhh . cekciii2 p0n ad . oh God !

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